Creative Specifications for Digital Advertising Channels

Looking for accurate, up-to-date specs and file sizes for creative assets (images and videos) for your next advertising campaign? The links below will take to you each major digital ad platform’s current specifications.

We hope this directory of links equips you to be more efficient as you plan your next marketing campaign.

Amplify Marketing Services manages millions of dollars in advertising each year within the channels listed above. If you’re looking for a new agency, we’d be honored to explore a partnership with you. Please click the link below to schedule a time to connect.

Feedback from some of Our Clients

“I’ve been in publishing for over 35 years, and I can honestly say I have never worked with a better outside consulting and services company.” - Ron Beers, Tyndale House Publishers

“Amplify is professional, research-based, and data-driven. They're the absolute market leaders in the areas of specialization and we couldn't be more pleased!” - Jesse Myers, Lexham Press

“Franklin and his team at Amplify have taken our digital marketing initiatives to the next level.” - Juan Fernandez, Bethany Christian Services.

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