The Amplify Advantage: Amazon PPC Ad Management, Consulting, & Optimization

Looking for a partner to manage your PPC Advertising investments on Amazon? Here are 4 reasons to consider Amplify Marketing Services:

  1. Amplify’s team manages Amazon Ads for thousands of products across a wide variety of product categories (from books to furniture) and price points (from $5 to $5,000).

  2. Amplify invests millions of dollars in this ad channel every year and this breadth of experience gives us an edge that benefits all of our clients (every partner is seeing exciting growth!).

  3. We have the expertise to know which campaign types, formats, and bidding strategies will make the biggest difference for your products.

  4. We obsess over everything including keyword research, audience targeting, competitor research, ad setup, and optimization.

Amplify’s PPC Ad Management Service

Our partners receive more than just ad management services. Our partnership model can include each of the following services (click each one to see more information):

  • Amplify brings 20+ years of ad management experience and relevant consumer research data to inform your overall ad strategy, including budgets, goals, and suggestions for which products to scale up first.

  • Amplify makes suggestions for improving discoverability and sales of your key products by weighing in on how to optimize your metadata and images.

  • Amplify helps with the strategy, construction, and ongoing maintenance of Amazon Stores and A+ modules.

  • Each new partnership begins with consumer, competitor, and keyword research that informs the ad strategy for optimal success. This research continues throughout the life of the partnership since the market is always changing.

  • We obsess over the ad setup process, making sure that all of the best consumer-targeting strategies are used and the most accurate and up-to-date bidding structure is in place. Ads are monitored and optimized daily.

  • A detailed monthly report is submitted after the recommended 14-day attribution window and a 1-hour Zoom meeting is scheduled at that time to review the results and discuss upcoming priorities.

Interested in Partnering with Amplify?

the cost for Amplify’s PPC Ad Management service varies depending on the following:

  • The hard cost ad budget

  • The number of products advertised

  • The length of the partnership

  • The complexity of metadata optimizations

  • The number of Amazon Stores and A+ modules that need to be constructed

Note: Partnership packages range from $5,000 - $20,000/month based on the above factors

To schedule a free exploratory Zoom meeting with Franklin Goldberg, Amplify’s founder, click one of the links below that fit within your schedule.

Client Testimonials

“Amplify Marketing has been our partner on Amazon ads, as well as a host of social media platform campaigns. It is refreshing to work with a trustworthy, results-oriented firm such as Amplify Marketing Services. The Amplify team will put their deep knowledge of PPC to work for your organization.”

“Franklin and his team have helped to significantly increased sales through our primary sales channels. They work extremely hard, are highly creative and have accomplished more that we expected.”

“Amplify makes a big difference! They're also responsive and thorough. I highly recommend working with them!”

“Thorough, creative, professional - genuine experts at what they do as well as being great communicators and very easy to work with. Highly recommended.”

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