How to Increase Sales Using Amazon A+ Modules: Tips & Best Practices

As a marketing agency that offers a variety of Amazon-related services (advertising, strategic consulting, SEO, metadata optimization, Amazon Store construction & maintenance, and A+ module construction), we are often asked for tips about how to structure Amazon A+ content modules (sometimes referred to as Enhanced Product Descriptions).

In this article, we will cover the best practices that we share with our clients.

What are Amazon A+ Modules?

A+ modules are the more visual portion of a product detail page where you are given additional real estate in which to convert a sale.

You can use this space to showcase more images, add interactive elements, expand your marketing copy, tell more about your brand, and add links to related products.

When designed and structured well, these modules look like a nicely formatted landing page contained right within your product detail page. They can provide just enough additional information to convince a customer to stop shopping around and go with your product.

In the desktop environment, A+ modules appear relatively far down the fold, requiring some significant scrolling. They are typically beneath the description, the “Products related to this item” carrousel, and the “Customers who viewed this item also viewed” carrousel.

However, in the mobile environment, A+ modules are more prominent, even appearing above the product description. Their specific location in mobile has changed a few times over the last 2 years, and Amazon may continue to experiment with their precise placement and prominence, but it is currently above the description on mobile browsers and the mobile Amazon App.

Do Amazon A+ Modules Make a Difference?

A+ modules can take some time and effort to build, so is it worth it? Do they matter? We believe so. Here are 3 reasons why it is often worth the time to incorporate A+ modules into your Amazon strategy.

Reason #1: A+ modules can increase conversion rates

As alluded to earlier, when used properly, this additional real estate can give you the edge you need to convert a sale.

Often, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of close competitors to your product on Amazon. Anything you can do to make yours stand out, even just a little more than the rest, may help it convince more customers to go with your product.

Some of your competitors don’t use A+ modules at all and others do a poor job of it, so this gives you the chance to come across more professional and that leads to more trust which translates to more sales (a.k.a. a higher conversion rate).

Even if, truth be told, your product is identical to the competitors’ versions, you can win the sale by using A+ modules to communicate and illustrate the same features in a more compelling way.

Use the images and marketing copy in the A+ modules to tell a better story, speak their language, establish more authority, and earn their trust.

In fact, if you use A+ modules better than the competition, you might even be able to outsell them when yours is at a higher price.

Reason #2: A+ Modules can promote multiple products

One of the most exciting functional advantages of A+ modules is that you can include hyperlinks to your other related products, making it easy for customers to discover and add more of them to their cart.

Don’t assume that they will find the rest of your catalog any other way! Even if you intrigued them enough to prompt them to type in your brand name in the search bar to find more from you, the search results page that follows will be littered with ads from competitors trying to get their attention.

Anything you can do to control the customer’s experience so that they keep engaging with your products and brand is a good thing.

The ability to include hyperlinks to the rest of your offering is a major advantage of A+ modules, so do your best to integrate this particular type of content module. Sometimes it feels forced, but if there’s any natural connection at all between a selection of your products, even a loose one, find a way to tie them together and then introduce the customer to more.

Reason #3: A+ Modules can Build brand awareness

The third major reason to implement an A+ module strategy is to build your brand. Dedicate at least one of the modules (the footer can work well for this) to display your brand’s logo along with a short tagline that speaks to your brand as a whole (not descriptive copy related to that particular product, but a concise, memorable tagline about your company).

This way, even those who don’t convert will at least receive an impression of your brand. If they see your brand enough times (on product detail pages, in social media ads, Google Search Ads, etc.), that repetition creates familiarity which leads to trust and sales.

Neglecting to add your logo and tagline to your A+ modules is a missed opportunity to convert future sales from those who have even the most faint recall of who you are.

These are the main 3 reasons to use A+ modules, but there are more, such as, A) Their current prominence in the mobile experience (above the description), and, B) Not only do these convey professionalism with customers, they can also be a great way to impress your boss or your company’s leadership team. They‘ll be pleased to see how well you’re representing the company on Amazon product pages.

Content Options for A+ Modules

What should you include in your A+ modules? It will vary by product category, but here are 6 copy options and 9 image options to consider.

Copy Options

  1. Clear and compelling taglines for your product and brand

  2. Endorsements, testimonials, or noteworthy reviews

  3. Warranty or guarantees

  4. Awards or recognition your product has earned

  5. Short bullets about the product’s features & benefits

  6. For books, include a short author bio

Image Options

  1. Visualizations and/or icons illustrating core features & benefits

  2. Headshots of prominent endorsers to accompany their written testimonial

  3. For books, headshots of the contributors (i.e., authors, illustrators)

  4. Medals, badges, seals, etc. representing awards and recognitions

  5. Brand logo

  6. Images from the “Additional Images” options at the top

  7. Stock photography (from 3d renderings and/or a photo shoot)

  8. Staged photos (of your product in a particular setting)

  9. Lifestyle photography (of your product with people using it)

A+ Module Tips & Best Practices

Amazon’s interface for building A+ modules (and Amazon Stores, for that matter) can be buggy, so it will save you some aggravation if you follow the tips below.

  • Plan out your A+ module content and layout prior to starting.

  • Make sure all of the images you’re going to use are readily available and that they conform to Amazon’s specs (ratio and file size).

  • The most efficient way to build A+ modules is to build one and assign it to multiple, related ASINs.

  • If the A+ module will be used for multiple ASINs, have your list of ASINs ready before you start.

  • Make sure you include all formats of all of the products. In the book category, that means hardcover, paperback, Kindle, Audio CD, and digital audiobook.

  • If you are using the same A+ modules for multiple ASINs, be careful not to focus too much attention on one product. Use a layout that would make sense to appear on all product detail pages.

  • Make sure that the words contained within any images are large enough to be read in mobile.

  • When possible, incorporate a header and footer because, A) They frame the A+ section, giving it a cohesive structure, and, B) The footer can be a natural place to include your brand logo and tagline.

  • Don’t be afraid to duplicate! Don’t assume the customer has read the description or that they have clicked to view your additional images at the top. Most likely, they haven’t, so feel free to repeat them in the A+ modules.

  • Instead of reinventing the wheel, repurpose copy and images from other marketing assets (i.e., your website, social media ads, email marketing, etc.). All that might be required is reformatting the images to align with Amazon’s specs.

We hope these tips and best practices help you create A+ modules that differentiate your products from the competition and convert more sales.

If you’re looking for an agency to help with your Amazon strategy, we’d be honored to explore a potential partnership. Please click the link below to schedule a conversation.

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